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The impact of artificial intelligence on the job market in the coming decades

Senin, 29 Mei 2023 | Mei 29, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-05-29T03:40:00Z


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on the job market in the coming decades. Here are some of the ways AI is expected to affect the job market:
Displacement of jobs
With the increasing use of AI, some jobs will become obsolete, such as data entry and customer service. This displacement of jobs can lead to unemployment and a need for retraining for workers in these fields

  1. Automation of jobs
    AI is expected to automate many jobs, particularly those that are repetitive and can be easily automated. This will lead to a shift in the types of jobs available, with a greater emphasis on jobs that require creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills

  2. Creation of new jobs
    While AI will undoubtedly take over some jobs, many new jobs could also be created, particularly in AI-related fields. For example, the World Economic Forum predicts that AI may create 97 million new roles

  3. Reskilling of workers
    As jobs become automated, workers will need to be retrained to acquire new skills that are in demand in the job market. This will require a significant investment in education and training programs

  4. Augmentation of human skills
    AI can help workers to be more productive and efficient by automating routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex and creative work. This will require workers to develop new skills that complement AI, such as critical thinking and decision-making

Overall, AI is expected to have a significant impact on the job market, with some jobs becoming obsolete and others being created. The key to success in the future job market will be to develop skills that complement AI and to be willing to adapt to new technologies and ways of working.
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